Thursday, July 06, 2006

Tutorial - NHibernate and VS2005 - Part 0

Ok, maybe I'm just dumber than the average bear, but I just couldn't get NHibernate working.

I tried several beginner level tutorials, but still nothing.

Mind you I was trying the lastest alpha release (1.2.0 alpha 1).

And I was trying to hook up to Access 2003 as a back end which adds it's own complexity.

So, I figured I'd go back to First Principles. All of the tutorials use SQL Server 2005 which I have as part of Visual Studio 2005 Standard.

I still wanted to stick with the alpha, not sure why, but hey, I am a geek afterall. Fortunately I found a link with some of the magic.

Next, I figured I'd dumb it right down. 1 table, 2 columns. If I can't get that working then I probably should've gone into a different line of work.

That's enough for the preamble. Next, I'll actually start cutting some code.

[Listening to (via Pandora): Garbage - When I Grow Up]

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