Saturday, August 28, 2004

HookUp update

I've started working on this again. Slowly. Very slowly.

Mostly I'm getting the infrastructure going. I'm working in VS2005 Beta 1. I put together a few of the utility and base classes as TDD as I could. (I'm weak.)

First of all I'm developing as a non-admin, using Least Privilege.

I'm using MbUnit for unit testing. I couldn't get the GUI working, it gives me a ThreadAbortException while trying to populate the tree. Since I've set up the test cases as an exe with an AutoRunner I don't really need to worry about it yet.

I put in log4net for logging, although I can't seem to get any output during my MbUnit test cases. It's probably because of the way MbUnit loads the AppDomain. I haven't really investigated any further.

I have cleaned everything up with FxCop and I only ignored 2 warnings:

  • "Avoid having a namespace with a small number of types" on a namespace where I'm holding some assembly/project level constants
  • Avoid building non-callable code into assemblies" on the VS generated Resources.cs file

  • Not too shabby.

    I am in the process of adding all of the xml comments so I can use NDoc. I'm such an NDoc junkie. How is it that a geek gets excited about created documentation? Or Unit Tests? Hold on, am I dead?

    Finally, I have just added PowerCollections into the mix. Haven't really gotten started on them yet, but soon.

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